Nutrisystem vs GOLO: Differences, Pros and Cons

GOLO refers to a trendy diet program that focuses on hormonal balance, particularly insulin, to aid weight loss. It involves following a meal plan and taking the GOLO supplement Release, which claims to reduce hunger and cravings, increase energy, and support weight loss with a proprietary blend of plant-based ingredients and minerals. On the other hand, Nutrisystem refers to a meal delivery program that offers portioned meals designed for weight loss. With a focus on calorie deficit, Nutrisystem provides pre-made meals that are low in calories and designed to help you lose weight.

When choosing between Nutrisystem and GOLO, it should be understood that the primary difference between GOLO and Nutrisystem lies in their products and business models, not in the ease of adherence to the program, which can vary widely for both. Neither one is more popular than the other, yet Nutrisystem was endorsed by Marie Osmond after a 50-pound weight loss transformation.

Nutrisystem provides an extensive range of portion-controlled meals and snacks, even encompassing items not usually classified as “healthy,” like burgers, white cheddar mac ‘n’ cheese, and pizza. This core distinction, coupled with the absence of supplementation, accounts for the majority of differences concerning cost, effectiveness, meal plans, and reviews. Consequently, making a choice between Nutrisystem and GOLO is not as simple as it might appear.

This article delves into the distinctions between Nutrisystem and GOLO, analyzing the alternatives and highlighting how each sets itself apart from other weight loss diets, including Optavia.

What is Nutrisystem?

Nutrisystem is a renowned weight loss company founded in 1972 in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, specializing in personalized meal plans to aid individuals in achieving their weight loss objectives. Their program offers prepackaged meals and snacks that are calorie-controlled and portioned to fit different dietary needs, including options for vegetarians and diabetics.

According to a 2017 study by Chad M. Cook from Biofortis, Inc., Nutrisystem has been shown to result in greater weight loss and improvements in body composition compared to self-directed diets like the DASH diet over a 16-week period. The program focuses not only on food but also provides support and counseling to help participants stay on track, making it more than just a diet but a comprehensive weight loss strategy.

With over 45 years of experience, Nutrisystem continues to be a popular choice for those seeking a structured and scientifically-backed approach to weight loss, accommodating a variety of individual preferences and health conditions.

The main benefit of Nutrisystem is its efficacy in short-term weight loss. A 2015 study by Kimberly A. Gudzune from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that Nutrisystem showed promise in terms of helping individuals lose weight in the short term.

The main drawback of Nutrisystem is the lack of long-term efficacy studies. While a systematic review published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that Nutrisystem showed promise in short-term weight loss, there is limited data on its long-term effectiveness. This means that it is uncertain how well individuals can maintain their weight loss over an extended period with Nutrisystem.

What is the GOLO Diet?

The GOLO Diet is a popular weight loss program that emphasizes balancing hormones, specifically insulin, to assist in weight loss, and it became the most Googled diet in 2016. This diet includes a supplement called Release, which is meant to support metabolic efficiency, along with a personalized meal plan and exercise guidelines.

A 2019 pilot study published in the Diabetes Updates Journal on the Effects of the GOLO Weight Management Program and Release Supplement found positive outcomes in weight and glycemic control among patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Participants in the study, with an average starting weight of 93.51 kg and BMI of 34.06, were considered obese and had poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, but the diet showed potential to address these issues. The GOLO Diet’s unique focus on insulin management and the inclusion of a specific supplement sets it apart from other weight loss approaches, offering a distinctive method for those struggling with weight and associated metabolic issues.

The fundamental difference between Nutrisystem and GOLO lies in their meal plan. GOLO provides balanced meal recommendations without pre-packaged options, costs $59.95 per month, reports an average weight loss of 1-3 pounds per week, and offers more flexibility in meal choices along with access to a team of coaches for personalized guidance.

On the other hand, Nutrisystem is all about pre-packaged meals and snacks delivered to your home, with structured meal plans ranging from $8.57 to $12.14 per day.

The main benefit of the GOLO diet is its focus on regulating insulin levels, which can lead to weight loss. By stabilizing blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity, the GOLO diet claims to help users lose up to 1-2 pounds per week. This weight loss is achieved by following the GOLO eating plan and taking the program’s Release supplement.

The main disadvantage of the GOLO diet is the lack of strong scientific evidence to support its effectiveness in promoting long-term weight loss. While the diet emphasizes portion control and whole foods, there is no solid proof that following the GOLO program will lead to sustained weight loss. The studies supporting the efficacy of the GOLO diet were funded by the company and had small sample sizes.

What are the differences between GOLO and Nutrisystem?

The 5 primary differences between GOLO and Nutrisystem are listed below.

  1. Price differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO
  2. Product differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO
  3. Ingredients differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO
  4. Availability differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO
  5. Reviews differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO

1. Price differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO

You want to lose weight and keep it off, but you’re on a budget. Cost-effectiveness and budget considerations should be taken into account when deciding between Nutrisystem and GOLO.

Nutrisystem costs approximately $300-400 per month, while GOLO’s Release supplement costs $59.95 per bottle.

Nutrisystem offers fully prepared meals, eliminating the need for meal preparation and saving time for busy individuals. GOLO, on the other hand, requires meal planning and preparation, as well as taking their Release supplement with each meal.

In terms of grocery bills, Nutrisystem provides meals, including desserts, reducing the need for additional grocery purchases. However, GOLO is a supplement that comes with nutritional guidance, requiring separate budgeting for groceries. Consider your budget and lifestyle when deciding which weight loss program is right for you.

2. Product differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO

Comparing the two products, you’ll find that Nutrisystem and GOLO have different focuses. Nutrisystem offers 100% pre-made meals, meaning there is no need for any meal preparation.

GOLO, on the other hand, requires you to plan and prepare your meals. Additionally, GOLO recommends taking their Release supplement with each meal. Nutrisystem provides a wide variety of meal options, including desserts, which can be convenient for those who prefer a pre-made and hassle-free approach.

On the other hand, GOLO encourages purchasing more expensive food for better nutrition, ensuring that you are getting the necessary nutrients for your body.

In terms of meal preparation, Nutrisystem eliminates the need for it, while GOLO requires you to plan and prepare your meals. When it comes to deciding which program is the best fit for you, it ultimately depends on your goals and lifestyle. So, consider your preferences and requirements before making a decision.

3. Ingredients differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO

When it comes to ingredients, Nutrisystem offers meals that are high in protein and low in the glycemic index. Nutrisystem focuses on providing balanced nutrition and emphasizes the use of high-quality proteins and carbohydrates.

On the other hand, GOLO suggests a metabolic diet plan that includes their Release supplement. The 14 ingredients in the Release are listed below.

  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Chromium
  • Rhodiola root extract
  • Inositol
  • Berberine extract
  • Gardenia extract
  • Banaba leaf extract
  • Salacia bark extract
  • Apple extract
  • Vegetable cellulose
  • Rice fiber
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Silica

GOLO is specifically targeted towards improving insulin resistance and metabolic health. GOLO’s Release supplement is formulated to support insulin balance and hormone control.

The effectiveness of both Nutrisystem and GOLO may vary depending on the individual. However, both programs are designed to assist with weight loss and long-term weight management.

When it comes to ingredients, it’s important to note that specific quantitative information is not provided. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully consider the differences between the two programs and make an informed decision about which option is best suited for your needs.

4. Availability differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO

In terms of availability comparison, Nutrisystem meals are easily accessible and can be ordered online or through their app. Nutrisystem meals are delivered right to your home, ensuring that you have a constant supply of healthy and portion-controlled meals.

In contrast, GOLO’s availability is slightly more limited. Their Release supplement, which is a crucial component of the program, needs to be taken with each meal. This supplement can only be purchased through the GOLO website or third-party marketplaces like eBay or Craigslist. Additionally, GOLO requires users to create a meal plan and shop for ingredients themselves.

If you’re looking for a quick and hassle-free solution, Nutrisystem is the way to go. With their wide availability and convenient delivery system, you can easily incorporate their meals into your daily routine. On the other hand, if you’re willing to put in more effort and prefer to have control over your meal planning, GOLO might be a suitable choice for you.

5. Review differences between Nutrisystem and GOLO

Nutrisystem and GOLO both provide customer testimonials and before-and-after photos that attest to the effectiveness of their programs. Nutrisystem has helped over 10 million Americans lose weight and keep it off, while GOLO also has success stories with support from over 1,000 medical professionals.

You can see how the two programs stack up and determine which one is right for your weight loss goals. Consider the customer reviews and decide which program offers the best results for you.

What are the overall pros and cons when comparing Nutrisystem and GOLO diet?

Nutrisystem offers the advantage of convenience through ready-to-eat meals, possibly saving on grocery bills, but its lack of meal planning and limited food choices might restrict individuals’ ability to tailor the diet to their preferences or develop lasting healthy eating habits.

In contrast, GOLO emphasizes a dietary approach enhanced with a supplement (Release), potentially improving nutrition, but requires more involved meal planning and may result in higher food costs due to recommendations for more expensive options.

Those seeking a cost-effective and time-saving solution might find Nutrisystem appealing, while GOLO might suit those wanting a more involved dietary approach combined with a supplement.

The choice between Nutrisystem and GOLO would ultimately depend on individual preferences, lifestyle, budget, and specific health goals, as each program offers unique benefits and drawbacks.

What are the alternatives to Nutrisystem and GOLO?

The following list shows alternatives to Nutrisystem and GOLO.

  • CalmLean
  • Instant Knockout Cut
  • PhenQ
  • Goli
  • Alli
  • Leanbean

What are the alternative diets to Nutrisystem and GOLO?

These are 7 alternative diets to Nutrisystem and GOLO.

  • WeightWatchers
  • NOOM
  • Optavia
  • Plexus
  • Jenny Craig
  • Mayo Clinic Diet
  • Isagenix

How do Nutrisystem and GOLO compare to the Optavia diet?

Nutrisystem emphasizes convenience with ready-to-eat meals and portion control, while Optavia and GOLO require more involvement in meal planning, with Optavia offering a blend of pre-packaged “fuelings” and lean and green homemade meals, and GOLO focusing on hormonal balance through dietary approaches and a supplement called Release.