9 Common GOLO Side Effects And Risks

GOLO side effects refer to the potential adverse reactions or symptoms that individuals may experience when following the GOLO diet or taking the GOLO Release supplement. GOLO Release, part of the GOLO weight loss diet, is a dietary supplement made from plant-based ingredients, claimed to be free from known side effects. In fact, its purpose is to regulate insulin levels and boost metabolism, ultimately facilitating weight loss and improving overall metabolic health.

In the 2019 study by Robert J. Buynak, which evaluated the effects of the GOLO diet, no specific adverse effects associated with the supplement were reported. However, anecdotal accounts and customer reviews on Trustpilot indicate that some users have reported 9 common side effects of GOLO, including nausea, diarrhea, gas, headaches, weight gain, and interactions with other medications. It remains unclear whether these side effects were due to the GOLO Release pills, changes in diet, or a reduced calorie intake.

This article examines the following nine common side effects of the GOLO diet and compares these side effects to those of other popular weight loss programs, such as the Optavia 5 and 1 plan.

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Gas
  3. Increased bowel movements
  4. Bloating
  5. Nausea
  6. Headaches
  7. Lethargy
  8. Hunger
  9. Weight gain

1. Diarrhea

GOLO can cause Diarrhea.

Diarrhea is a condition characterized by loose, watery stools occurring three or more times in a day. Diarrhea is defined as the passage of more than 200 grams (about 7 ounces) of stool per day, with increased frequency and liquidity.

According to a 2021 study by Leigh O’Brien from the University of Otago, dieting can sometimes cause diarrhea, especially if there is a sudden change in dietary habits or the introduction of certain foods that the body may not tolerate well.

Additionally, an excessively restrictive or unbalanced GOLO diet can lead to inadequate intake of nutrients, which can disrupt bowel function and result in diarrhea. It is important to maintain a balanced and varied diet to support optimal digestive health.

2. Gas

GOLO can cause gas.

Gas refers to the presence of excessive air or gases in the digestive system, such as the stomach and intestines. Gas is characterized by the accumulation of air or gases in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms like bloating, abdominal distention, and increased flatulence.

So, does the GOLO diet cause gas? Yes, a GOLO diet can lead to gas, as certain dietary changes or restrictions can affect digestion and result in increased gas production. This finding is supported by a 2005 study by Michael P. Jones from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. For instance, adopting a high-fiber diet, especially if not accustomed to it, can lead to gas. Furthermore, some artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol and mannitol, commonly found in diet products, can also contribute to gas formation.

3. Increased bowel movements

GOLO can cause increased bowel movements.

Increased bowel movements refer to a higher frequency of passing stool, typically exceeding the average number of daily bowel movements. This may be defined as having more than three bowel movements per day or an increase of at least two bowel movements compared to a person’s usual pattern.

According to a 2004 study by Miguel A Sanjoaquin from the University of Oxford, dieting, especially on the GOLO diet, can cause increased bowel movements due to several factors. Firstly, changes in dietary habits, such as consuming more fiber-rich foods and increasing fluid intake, can promote regular bowel movements.

Additionally, rapid weight loss or drastic changes in calorie intake can stimulate the digestive system, leading to increased bowel movements. Lastly, some specific diets, such as those high in fruits and vegetables or low in processed foods, can result in increased bowel movements due to their impact on gut motility and digestion.

4. Bloating

GOLO can cause bloating.

Bloating is a common gastrointestinal complaint characterized by a feeling of fullness and abdominal discomfort. It is often associated with an increased abdominal girth and can be measured objectively.

In the 2019 study by Allison W. Peng from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine titled “Effects of the DASH Diet and Sodium Intake on Bloating: Results From the DASH-Sodium Trial,” it was found that a healthful high-fiber diet, such as the GOLO diet, may cause bloating. However, reducing dietary sodium intake can partially mitigate these effects.

5. Nausea

GOLO can cause nausea.

Nausea is a distressing sensation that is often accompanied by an urge to vomit. It is typically rated on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being no nausea and 10 being the worst possible nausea.

As per a 2006 study by Stephan C. Bischoff from the University of Hohenheim, dieting, including the GOLO diet, can cause nausea in some cases, especially if there is a dramatic change in eating habits or if the body is not receiving adequate nutrients.

Severe calorie restriction or an imbalanced diet can disrupt the body’s normal functioning and lead to symptoms such as nausea. However, it is important to note that not everyone experiences nausea when dieting, and it can vary depending on individual factors and the specific diet being followed.

6. Headaches

GOLO can cause headaches.

Headaches are a common health condition characterized by pain or discomfort in the head or neck region. They can vary in intensity and duration, with some headaches lasting for a few minutes or hours, while others can persist for several days or even weeks. According to statistics, approximately 50% of adults worldwide experience headaches at least once a year.

While dieting itself may not directly cause headaches, as per a 2022 study by Leon S. Moskatel titled “Migraine and Diet: Updates in Understanding,” certain dietary practices or changes in eating patterns can trigger headaches in some individuals.

For example, skipping meals, fasting, or drastically reducing calorie intake can lead to low blood sugar levels, dehydration, or nutrient deficiencies, which are known triggers for headaches. Additionally, certain food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) or artificial sweeteners, have been associated with headaches in susceptible individuals.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and make gradual changes when following the GOLO diet or any other weight loss program to minimize the risk of headache occurrence.

7. Lethargy

Lethargy is an extreme state of tiredness and reduced energy, often leading to prolonged inactivity and sluggishness. It can greatly affect productivity and daily functioning, resulting in constant fatigue and a lack of motivation. This can be a potential side effect of the GOLO diet.

As per a 2020 study by Domenico Azzolino from the University of Milan, the GOLO diet can cause lethargy as it often involves reducing calorie intake, which can lead to a lack of energy and nutrient deficiencies.

Severe calorie restriction or restrictive diets that eliminate certain food groups can result in insufficient fuel for the body, leading to fatigue and lethargy. Additionally, rapid weight loss or yo-yo dieting can negatively impact metabolism and disrupt hormonal balance, further contributing to feelings of lethargy.

8. Hunger

Hunger is the physiological sensation that drives an individual to seek and consume food. It is typically characterized by a feeling of emptiness or a rumbling sensation in the stomach. On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no hunger and 10 being extreme hunger, hunger can range from mild (around 2-3) to severe (around 8-9).

So, can the GOLO diet cause hunger? Yes, the GOLO diet usually involves a reduction in caloric intake, which can lead to a calorie deficit and a decrease in stored energy. This deficit can trigger hunger signals in the body as a way to prompt the individual to seek out food and restore energy levels.

Additionally, certain dietary changes, such as eliminating specific food groups or drastically restricting certain macronutrients, can also impact appetite and increase feelings of hunger.

9. Weight gain

Weight gain, particularly related to the GOLO diet, refers to an increase in body weight, typically measured in pounds or kilograms. It is the result of consuming more calories than the body burns, leading to an accumulation of excess fat and/or muscle.

As per a 2017 study by Abhinitha Padavinangadi from Manipal University, dieting, including the GOLO diet, which involves restricting calorie intake for the purpose of weight loss, can actually cause weight gain in some cases.

This is because severe calorie restriction can slow down the metabolism, leading to a decrease in energy expenditure. Additionally, when the body is deprived of necessary nutrients, it may go into survival mode and store more calories as fat, resulting in weight gain.

What are the most common side effects associated with the GOLO diet?

The most common side effects of the GOLO diet can include mild detox symptoms like increased hunger, diarrhea, or gas. Some users have mentioned experiencing burping up the pill or acid reflux, although the latter is not typical. Individuals with kidney issues or acid reflux need to consult a doctor before taking GOLO due to its high chromium content.

What are the common side effects associated with the GOLO Release supplement?

The side effects of GOLO Release supplements, like other herbal supplements, can vary. As per a 2021 study by Christopher Ty Williams from Vanderbilt University, while some herbal supplements like echinacea and ginseng generally have mild adverse effects, others like kava can lead to more severe outcomes like hepatotoxicity. It’s crucial to consult healthcare providers and be informed of potential side effects and interactions, especially since the FDA does not pre-approve herbal dietary supplements.

According to a 2022 study by Gashaw Hassen from the University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Center, herbal supplements like GOLO, promoted for various health benefits, are not stringently regulated by the FDA for pre-marketing purity and potency.

This lack of regulation can lead to health risks from misbranded toxic ingredients, contaminants, adulterants, and potential herb-drug interactions, resulting in effects ranging from allergic reactions to organ damage and even fatality, underscoring the importance of cautious use and consultation with healthcare professionals.

What are the most frequently reported digestive issues after taking GOLO Release?

The most frequently reported digestive issues after taking GOLO Release include nausea, excessive bathroom trips, gas, and illness, according to Trustpilot customer reviews. Some users have experienced extreme light-headedness and severe headaches as well.

These symptoms can occur as a result of adjusting to the additional protein and fiber in the supplement, or due to the elimination of processed foods, sugar, and caffeine from the diet. Individual responses may vary, and while some people may not experience any symptoms, others may have mild symptoms during the GOLO diet.

Does the GOLO program affect bowel movement frequency?

Yes, the GOLO program, which includes a diet rich in fiber from fruits, vegetables, and grains, is likely to increase bowel movement frequency. Studies have shown that fiber intake significantly increases stool frequency and improves gut microbiota. Therefore, when asking does GOLO make you poop more, the answer is yes.

Can GOLO Release cause symptoms of low blood pressure?

Yes, GOLO Release, with its high chromium concentration, can potentially lead to symptoms of low blood pressure. A 2021 study by Abolfazl Lari from Iran University of Medical Sciences concluded that chromium supplementation, like that found in GOLO Release, was linked to a significant decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The most pronounced reductions were observed in studies using chromium yeast and brewer’s yeast, particularly in diabetic patients with chronic heart disease.

Can GOLO Release cause symptoms of high blood pressure?

No, there is no direct evidence to suggest that the GOLO Release supplement causes symptoms of high blood pressure. In fact, a 2019 study by Robert J. Buynak shows the positive effects of GOLO on blood pressure.

How do the side effects of GOLO compare to other popular weight loss programs?

The side effects of GOLO supplements, primarily due to the high chromium content, can vary among individuals and may include symptoms related to detoxing, burping, or even low blood pressure. In comparison, other popular weight loss programs that promote rapid weight loss through very low-calorie diets or “crash diets” may lead to risks such as muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, and a drop in metabolism.

While GOLO’s side effects may relate more to its specific herbal formulation, traditional rapid weight loss programs often present health risks due to the extreme reduction in calorie intake. Therefore, the side effects are different in nature and are associated with the specific approaches of the weight loss method used.

How do GOLO side effects compare to Optavia side effects?

The GOLO side effects are primarily linked to its high chromium content and herbal formulation, potentially leading to symptoms like detoxing, burping, or low blood pressure. In contrast, the Optavia side effects are often associated with its calorie-restricted meal plans and can include changes in bowel movements, muscle loss, gas, bloating, headaches, hair loss, changes in thyroid function, and mood alterations.