Yes, the GOLO supplement is safe for kidneys for most individuals when considering the 210 mcg chromium daily dosage. However, caution is advised for those with pre-existing kidney conditions as chromium exposure has been associated with potential risks to kidney health, although the evidence is not definitive for chronic kidney disease.
The 2023 study by Jingtao Wu reported an odds ratio of 1.29 for chronic kidney disease with chromium exposure and identified threshold effects at urinary chromium levels of 2.74 μg/L for UACR and 3.95 μg/L for eGFR. Chromium exposure can occur through various avenues such as industrial processes like welding and chrome plating, environmental pollution affecting soil and water, consumer products like paints and dyes, dietary sources, chromium supplements, and air pollution from industrial emissions.
So, is GOLO safe for kidney disease? Yes, the GOLO Release supplement, which contains 70 mcg of chromium per capsule, is generally considered safe based on the Food and Nutrition Board’s (FNB) conclusion that no adverse effects have been definitively linked to high intakes of chromium from food or supplements.
However, the FNB also cautions that people with renal and liver disease might be susceptible to adverse effects from high chromium intakes. Given isolated case reports linking chromium supplements to renal failure among other issues, and the FNB’s caution regarding limited data, it’s advisable for individuals with pre-existing kidney issues to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Does GOLO Release cause kidney issues?
There is no definitive proof that GOLO Release, which contains a proprietary blend of seven plant-based ingredients and three minerals, including 210 mcg of chromium, causes kidney problems. In fact, several studies have indicated that daily doses of up to 1,000 micrograms of chromium are considered safe.
GOLO Release is a dietary supplement that is part of the GOLO weight loss diet, which is designed to regulate insulin levels and enhance metabolism, promoting weight loss and improved metabolic health.
Interestingly, a 2004 study by Peter J. Havel indicates that chromium, especially in the form of chromium picolinate, may actually have beneficial effects on insulin action and potentially lower some risk factors for cardiovascular disease, particularly in overweight individuals. Supplements containing 200-1,000 mcg of chromium as chromium picolinate have been found to improve blood glucose control according to this study.
However, other research presents a more nuanced picture. A 2023 study by Jingtao Wu from the School of Basic Medicine Peking Union Medical College found that people exposed to chromium had a 29% higher chance of getting chronic kidney disease. They noticed problems started when the chromium level in urine was 2.74 μg/L or higher, as shown in this diagram.

Does GOLO Release Cause Chromium Exposure?
Yes, taking GOLO Release does result in chromium exposure as each capsule contains 70 mcg of chromium. However, this level of chromium is within the upper limit of 1.0 mg per day. Chromium exposure means coming into contact with the element chromium, which is often used in industries like welding and manufacturing. This can happen through the air, water, food, or direct contact with items containing chromium.
- Air: If you work in jobs like welding, you might breathe in tiny amounts of chromium from the air. Safety rules say you shouldn’t be exposed to more than 5 micrograms of chromium in every cube meter of air for a full workday. A study in 1991 by R. P. Wedeen titled “Chromium-induced kidney disease.” warned that this could be a problem in welding jobs.
- Water: Chromium can get into water, especially if you live near factories. In the U.S., the safe limit for chromium in drinking water is 100 micrograms in each liter of water. A 2020 study by Tomoyuki Tsuchiyama from Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine found that leather-making areas had water with really high levels of chromium. Tsuchiyama showed that tannery workers exposed to chromium had elevated levels of renal damage markers.
- Food: Chromium is naturally found in some foods in small amounts, usually in the form of trivalent chromium, which is considered an essential nutrient needed by the body in trace amounts. The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that adult men should have 35 micrograms of chromium per day, while adult women should have 25 micrograms per day.
Additionally, isolated case reports have linked chromium supplements to renal failure. Given this complex topic, while GOLO is generally considered safe for the general population, caution is advised for individuals with pre-existing kidney issues or those at high risk for kidney disease. For such individuals, consulting a healthcare provider for personalized medical advice is strongly recommended.
Does the GOLO meal plan cause kidney issues?
No, the GOLO meal plan, which is similar to the Mediterranean or Paleo meal plan, does not inherently cause kidney issues based on current evidence. The GOLO diet recommends three balanced meals per day that include starches, proteins, vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes. These food categories are generally considered to be kidney-friendly when consumed in moderation.
The following list shows what’s included in the GOLO meal plan.
- Sodium is kept under 2,300mg per day to help manage blood pressure. The focus is on fresh foods, cooking from scratch, and using spices as a salt alternative.
- Protein intake is carefully balanced, often with guidance from a dietitian. Typical servings include 2 to 3 ounces of cooked animal protein or a half-cup of cooked beans.
- Lean meats, skinless poultry, fish, beans, vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy are preferred to support heart health.
- Packaged foods and deli meats, which often have added phosphorus, are avoided. Phosphate binders may be taken with meals to manage phosphorus levels.
- Proper potassium levels are maintained for nerve and muscle function. Canned fruits and vegetables are drained to reduce potassium content.
- Alcohol is limited to one drink a day for women and two for men.
Does the GOLO diet cause side effects?
Yes, the GOLO diet may cause side effects, with anecdotal evidence suggesting that users have reported nausea, headaches, and interactions with other medications. A 2021 study found that the majority of participants on the GOLO diet did not feel it significantly impacted their quality of life, although there may be potential GOLO side effects.
Does GOLO Release cause diarrhea?
According to anecdotal evidence and reported experiences, GOLO Release may cause diarrhea in some users. However, it is important to note that the specific occurrence and severity of this side effect can vary among individuals.