10 Optavia Complaints and Issues you should know about

photo of optavia book and list of complaints

It’s no secret that Optavia has been a popular diet and lifestyle plan for those looking to lose weight and keep it off.

But, the company has also come under fire from customers who have experienced some major complaints with the program.

Optavia complaints refer to the issues and concerns raised by customers regarding the Optavia diet and lifestyle program. These complaints highlight various problems encountered by individuals who have participated in the program.

From high prices to inadequate customer service, many people are left feeling frustrated and taken advantage of.

These complaints shed light on the challenges and drawbacks experienced by customers and underscore the need for transparency, improved customer service, fair pricing, accurate billing, and better communication from Optavia to address these concerns effectively.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Optavia complaints that have been made and why they should be taken seriously.

Plus, I’ll explain the common issues people face when doing a 5 and 1 plan and what you can do if you find yourself in a similar situation.

What Are The Most Common Optavia Complaints?

The most common Optavia complaints include lawsuits and bad reviews, billing issues, additional charges, wrong orders, refund complaints, side effects, concerns about pyramid scheme and multi-level marketing, food restrictions, limited options for plant-based eaters, high cost of food, and negative Reddit reviews.

For anyone considering trying an Optavia program, it’s important to be aware of all potential issues before signing up.

Many people think that simply following any diet plan is enough to get results – but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case!

It’s essential to understand what you’re getting yourself into before committing to any program, especially one as expensive as Optavia.

1. Lawsuits and bad reviews

Optavia has not been without its share of complaints.

The company in question has gotten a lot of negative feedback from customers, including an action class lawsuit about their automatic renewal program and cancellation policy.

  • They’ve received a total of 119 BBB reviews, and the average score given was just 1.52 out of 5. (Yikes!)
  • Many customers have expressed dissatisfaction with diet plans, homemade meals, and meal replacement weight loss programs.

But it doesn’t stop there.

The Better Business Bureau has received a whopping 477 complaints about the company since last year.

Out of those, 59 have been resolved in the past 12 months.

And just to add to the list of concerns, it’s worth noting that the company isn’t accredited by the BBB.

This has led to some legal issues and Better Business Bureau reviews that are worth considering when deciding whether Optavia is right for you.

2. Billing issues

Several customers have reported being charged much more than what they were initially told the program would cost.

In one instance, a customer agreed to pay $50 to start the weight loss plan but was charged $339.63 instead.

This left them with an overdraft fee of $253.85, which is a significant amount for someone living on a limited income.

Despite returning the package of goods they received from Optavia, they did not receive a refund of their money.

When they tried to contact the company for assistance, they were put on hold for long periods of time or hung up on.

These types of billing issues can cause frustration and financial strain for customers, especially when they feel like they have been misled or taken advantage of.

2. Additional charges

Many customers have reported being charged extra fees, such as an Optavia Premier membership or medical advice, that they weren’t expecting when they signed up.

This has led to many people filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau and other consumer-protection groups.

The issue of additional charges needs to be addressed by Optavia if they want to remain competitive in the weight loss industry.

Customers should be made aware of any extra costs associated with the program before signing up and not after it’s too late.

Furthermore, customer service must be improved so that those who do experience unexpected fees can get help resolving them quickly and easily.

Overall, Optavia needs to be more transparent about the true cost of its weight loss program and provide better customer service.

3. Wrong orders

Another common complaint from Better Business Bureau about Optavia is receiving the wrong order.

Customers have reported that despite ordering specific foods, they have received a different product altogether.

In response to this issue, Optavia has stated that they “strive to prioritize their client’s satisfaction and apologize for any inconvenience caused”.

They assure customers that corrective action will be taken to ensure such mistakes do not happen again.

However, customers have also reported difficulties in getting a replacement processed, even if the mistake was on Optavia’s end.

Some customers have been told that there were issues with processing their credit cards, even when the card details were correct.

Such incidents have left some customers feeling scammed and questioning Optavia’s business practices.

4. Refund complaints

Another complaint against Optavia is related to refunds.

Many customers have reported difficulties in obtaining refunds for canceled memberships and subscription plans.

In one instance, a customer canceled their membership on January 31, 2023, and received confirmation the following day.

However, they were charged $416.92 six days later, despite having canceled their subscription.

The customer has been trying to get their money credited back for almost a month and has contacted the company multiple times.

They have even provided evidence of their cancellation, but they continue to receive the same response that the company is investigating the issue.

This type of situation can be frustrating for customers who expect prompt and fair refunds for services they have canceled.

5. Side effects

According to BBB.org, one person tried the program for a month but found that all the products contained bioengineered soy protein, which they were allergic to.

When they contacted Optavia to return the package, they were told that only the consumable goods would be refunded, and they would have to ship it back themselves.

Optavia also did not disclose that the person would be placed on an automatic renewal each month, and they only found out through an email.

This person wants a full refund for all products, including return shipping.

Soy protein is a great alternative to animal-based proteins for those looking for a plant-based option.

However, some people may experience some side effects when consuming too much soy protein.

For example, there were concerns that soy could harm the thyroid gland, which helps the body function properly.

A 2019 study by Jemiliat Otun from Hull York Medical School published in the Scientific Reports found that after reviewing multiple studies, scientists concluded that soy does not have any adverse effects on the thyroid.

It’s safe to consume soy if desired, but further research is needed to determine the significance of a slight change in one thyroid hormone.

Jemiliat Otun

On the other hand, Angela Loverdi believed that a Medifast product caused her to have a problem with her thyroid gland.

Angela Loverdi and Charles Loverdi filed a product liability case against Medifast, Inc., Take Shape For Life, Inc., Jason Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Optavia, LLC. Angela Loverdi claims that her consumption of soy-based dietary products manufactured and sold by Medifast resulted in her developing hypothyroidism.

The case involves two expert witnesses—an endocrinology specialist and a nutritionist—who provide their opinions on causation.

They argue that the Medifast product increased Angela Loverdi’s risk of harm and contributed to her hypothyroid condition. The lawsuit alleges that Medifast failed to produce a safe product and neglected to disclose the associated risks to consumers.

Ms. Loverdi’s husband also sued because he was upset that his wife got sick. 

PS. Side effects were one of the reasons why I started to look for Optavia alternatives like The Mayo Clinic Diet.

6. Pyramid Scheme and multi level marketing (MLM)

Many people have heard of multi-level marketing, and associate it with Optavia as a pyramid scheme.

People often cite the one-on-one coaching sessions and high pressure to sell their products as reasons why they don’t like the program.

Some customers have reported feeling misled by the program’s use of the “health coach” title and the pressure to become a distributor, which often comes from friends or family members who are already distributors.

This can create an uncomfortable situation where customers may feel pressured to purchase Optavia MLM products they do not necessarily require or to become a distributor themselves.

7. Food restrictions

One of the most common complaints I’ve read online about the Optavia diet is that there are certain foods that, well, can’t be eaten.

I’m not talking about Optavia Fuelings.

I’m talking about Lean and Green meals (other food that you can eat while on the diet).

This can include things like:

  • Grains
  • Carrots
  • Anything that is fried
  • Fruits
  • Bread
  • Alcohol

You should only focus on lean proteins, non-starchy vegetables, and healthy fats.

I know from experience – this feels very restricted and makes the diet difficult to stick to, especially if you’re socializing with friends or going out to eat.

Even small details matter, such as adding creamer to your morning coffee, or choosing calorie-free salad dressings.

You can (potentially) miss out on the ball game, beer, and hot dogs on Saturday, which is not fun.

Missing out on them can feel like being stuck in the corner. Keeping up with a diet that makes you the wallflower is a tough challenge.

8. Not much for plant-based eaters

There have been complaints about the Optavia diet being unsuitable for plant-based eaters.

This is particularly true for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.


There are very few plant-based options available on the Optavia meal plan.

Sure, you have a lot of freedom when cooking your own Lean and Green meals, which I’ve described in detail in our Optavia vegetarian guide.

For example, you can choose several meatless options like egg whites, tempeh, tofu, cottage cheese, or veggie burgers.

But at the same time, vegan staples like chickpeas and lentils aren’t allowed on the plan.

The same goes for whole grains like quinoa, oats, and brown rice, which are all rich in fiber and essential vitamins and minerals, yet restricted from the 5 and 1 plan.

What’s more, there are only a few dairy-free Optavia Fuelings. It either includes milk or has been manufactured in the facility that processes dairy.

So it’s really hard to get full coverage of your nutrient needs with the limited plant-based options available on Optavia.

9. Food is expensive

Another common complaint that is often heard about Optavia is how expensive their diet is.

While it’s convenient to have ready-to-eat bars and shakes, the cost adds up quickly.

The cost of Optavia products ranges between $485-$571, depending on the plan you choose.

(That’s twice more expensive than SkinnyBox or Wonderslim.)

Despite the wide selection of meal plans and Fuelings, many customers have found it difficult to afford it in the long term.

What’s more, some customers have been told that “the cost of Optavia is lower than what they are used to spending on groceries,” according to Optavia customer service.

With prices ranging from $75 per week to over $110 per week, it is no wonder that people are so frustrated with their financial burden.

Plus, the Optavia price doesn’t include your weekly shopping list for all the fresh ingredients you need to make lean and green meals.

10. Bad Reddit reviews

Optavia gets mixed reviews on sites like Reddit.

While some people have had success with it, it seems like a lot of the reviews are negative.

One person who tried Optavia said that while they did lose weight, the food was terrible and they felt really down throughout the whole program.

So they decided to switch things up and focus on eating lots of fruits and veggies, and working out regularly.

They know this approach might not lead to weight loss as quickly as Optavia, but they believe it’s a healthier way to go.

If you’re thinking about trying Optavia or another weight loss program, it might be helpful to hear about other people’s experiences and think carefully about what aligns with your own goals and values.

What Are Common Complaints From Users Who Want To Cancel Optavia?

Based on the Better Business Bureau, the most common complaints from users who want to cancel Optavia are listed below.

  • Unexpected charges: Some customers were surprised to find they were charged more than anticipated upon signing up for the program.
  • Difficulty in changing or canceling orders: There have been issues reported where customers faced difficulties in amending their order dates or canceling their orders, even when they adhered to the company’s stated time frames.
  • Problems with refunds: A number of customers who returned products experienced delays in receiving their refunds. Some were assured that their refunds would be processed within a specific time frame, but this did not occur.
  • Poor customer service: Some customers reported encountering unhelpful or obstructive customer service when they sought assistance with any of the above issues.

When inquiring about how to cancel Optavia without incurring additional charges, it’s recommended to contact your bank post-cancellation of your order to prevent any forthcoming payments.

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